Juan Carlos Zofío Llorente
Juan Carlos Zofío Llorente has collaborated in several research projects on Madrid and urban history run by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), among which is the transcription of Madrid’s town council minutes between 1561 and 1598. His main scientific concern centres upon the social history of pre-industrial artisans, as reflected in his monograph Artesanos y gremios en Madrid, 1550-1650. La sociedad del trabajo en una ciudad cortesana preindustrial (Servicio de Publicaciones del CSIC, Madrid, 2005). Also worth mentioning is his contribution to Historia económica de España en la Edad Moderna (Editorial Istmo, 2006); his on-line publication of the diary of the silversmith Antonio de León Soto; together with the following articles to specialized reviews: “Reproducción social y artesanos. Sastres, curtidores y artesanos de la madera madrileños en el siglo XVII” (Hispania, 71 (237), 2011); and “Artesanos ante el cambio social. Los curtidores madrileños en el siglo XVII” (Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, 37, 2012).